Who We Are
Foster Care is challenging work and all of our children come to us with hardships. All have been traumatized by the circumstances leading to their removal and by the process transitioning to a new home. We believe these children deserve nothing less than the best practices used in the field of foster care.
At Pillar & Vine, we are blessed to have quality foster parents licensed and trained with our agency. We are so grateful for their willingness to open their homes and hearts to children.

About Us
Pillar & Vine is a 501(c)3 private, non-profit, child-placing agency licensed through the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. Our agency licenses, trains, and supports foster families in their work with children placed in foster care. The agency also offers a variety of services including visitation supervision, respite services, and transportation to enable parents to meet the needs of their children. Our model includes working closely with biological parents, foster parents, social workers, schools and community providers to facilitate successful family reunification or an alternative permanent plan such as adoption in the timeliest way possible.
Foster Care is challenging work and all of our children come to us with hardships. All have been traumatized by the circumstances leading to their removal and by the process transitioning to a new home. We believe these children deserve nothing less than the best practices used in the field of foster care. Help us make a difference today! We invite you to do something extraordinary and impact the life of a child forever!
We see children and parents struggling to engage with each other appropriately and create healthy relationships. We recognize the struggle these families face and the resulting impact on the community.
We feel for their struggle and have compassion for the life cycle and events that have brought them to where they are. Children deserve a safe and nurturing place to call home, and do best within a stable family environment.
We act by providing services and support to improve the family relationship. By partnering with our foster parents, biological families, communities and providers we come alongside those who are struggling to support them in providing a safe and stable environment for their children.